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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Story writing

This week for talent development we had a workshop for garageband so we could learn how to use it for the made awards.
I think we are getting closer to being able to start filming/animating.
I think we are doing very well I will soon share my story on my blog.
I hope you will enjoy it.
Pyper and I are thinking of using Garage band but we are not too sure.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

So far in Talent Development

Today we looked at what a good story needs to include. We listened to an interview with Road Dahl on how he writes his stories and makes them interesting for kids and how to know where the line is between funny and scary.
We changed our stories round with the help of these tips and interesting words for our stories.
We have one week left to finish writing our stories.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Hi Ruby.
You had a productive session during writing talent development today. It was great to see you working co-operatively with Pyper to complete as much of your writing as possible today. You were open to the discussion of how to add more detail to your writing and worked well during the second part of the session to incorporate this into your writing. Keep up the great work Ruby.

What happened in talent development today

This week for talent development we started writing our story. It is called The Brave Royal Twins. It is about two twin princesses who's parents die and their evil stepmother tries to take over as Queen but everyone in the village runs off to start a new town.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Update for 2nd week of talent development

This week we chose who we wanted to go with to write our story I chose Pyper. We did the story board for our story and wrote up all the details for our story.
Our story is about 2 princesses who's parents die and their wicked stepmother takes over so all the people in the town run off and start a new town run by the 2 princesses and both the princesses get married and live happily ever after.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

first day of term

Today is the first day for term 3
We chose our talent development,
the one I choose was writing.
We also started a new must do can do sheet that lasts
2 weeks then we get a new sheet.
I also did drama, in drama we were doing acting as animals and owners
and we played a game where we had to try and make a person say yes
or no, if they did say yes or no they were out.
I have enjoyed today I think I got a lot out of it.