my blog background

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Final Blog post

This is my final blog post from enrich.
Here is a reflection on my time here:

Monday, November 21, 2011

I have been really impressed with your effort during science talent development this term Ruby. You show great enthusiasm and always take notes in your workbook for future reference - this is a great skill that you will use a lot as you head towards high school next year. You ask interesting questions, which generate more discussion in our group. Well done Ruby. Keep up the great work!


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

What Is Happening?

Today in talent development we did three different science experiments. They were all based on vinegar and baking soda, and how they both react to each other.

The first experiment we had currants as well. We put the baking soda and vinegar in a tall chemical tube (called a measuring cylinder) and then put in about 12 currants. The currants sank to the bottom BUT the air bubbles from the baking soda brought the currants back up to the top and then it kept on going down and up from the bottom to the top and top to the bottom again and again. It would keep going until all the baking soda had dissolved.

For the next experiment we made a mini fire extinguisher by putting baking soda in a bottle, then adding vinegar. We had a cap on a bottle with a hole drilled in the top and we stuck a little bit of tube in it. We tried to blow out a candle with it as the gas came out of the bottle through the tube. Ours didn't work because we let our air out too early.

The last experiment we did was we put baking soda in a balloon and vinegar in a bottle. We put the balloon over the top of the bottle and tipped the baking soda in. The reaction made the balloon on top inflate. The gas rose from the bottle into the balloon and expanded the balloon as it needed more room.

The experiments were fun to do even though one of mine didn't work.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

What happened in talent development today.

Wow! Today is going great! We did a few science experiments on how matter changes between the 3 different forms of matter, liquid, solid and gas. To find out more you can visit my school blog at
Today is our last day to complete our must dos and picks.
We played leader board chess and I went from near the bottom to near the top.
I have four more days left of Enrich before I leave to James Hargest Junior High School.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Term 4 Talent development

This term for talent development the art people are carrying on with their art and the writing people (me) and the documentary people started a new talent development. We got to choose out of maths or science. I chose science. We get to use the new science trolley. It is so cool, it has all these really cool science tools such as things that measure weight by hanging the item on the hook on the bottom and holding the top. I am looking forward to using the science trolley for more experiments next week.
P.S I only have 5 more days left of Enrich until I leave for high school.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

My term 3 reflection

The things that I liked best about term three are that we had different talent developments and I enjoyed having story writing.
The other thing that I liked about term three is that for our talent development we were pressured for time because we had to enter the MADE awards! I find that I work best being under pressure with time because I can't slack off.
My wish for next term is for talent development that we could have an option like fashion or baking/cooking!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Hi Ruby.
Well done on a great writing day! You and Pyper worked extremely hard on the finer details of your podcast today. Adding more details to your backgrounds and scenes has helped to bring out the word pictures your created in your story. Keep up the hard work. I am looking forward to seeing the finished product next week.

Story writing update

Today for our story writing we decided out of mine and Pyper's podcast and Pyper didn't like hers so we decided to use mine.
We made really cool pictures for the podcast and next week is our last week to work on it so we have to check that our voices are clear and that all the pictures aren't blurry. We also need to make our credits and on our credits we need to write down where we got the pictures from like the website off google images.
I am so nervous that we won't be finished in time.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Story writing

This week for story writing we have finished our writing and we are starting our garage band, well we got to choose out of garage band or kids pix but we chose garage band.
Here is the story Pyper and I wrote I hope you enjoy it:

Alice and Grace, the most beautiful princess twins in

all the land, were picking flowers from their blooming

garden. Years earlier, the princess twin’s mother had

got extremely sick and eventually died. Their father,

the King, followed the Queens last words which were

to move on and to try to make a big difference in the

world. Eventually their father remarried the most

beautiful woman in all the land (or so he thought). He

did not realise his new wife was an ugly, wicked, self-

centered witch in disguise. All the animals in the

forest, including the princesses best friends, (Spencer

the Bunny, Chicken Little the Chicken and Fred the

Guinea Pig called her Witchy Pooh with a capital W!

The reason they knew she was evil was because she

has tried to kill them so they couldn’t stop her from

taking over the world, but of course that plan hadn’t

quite worked just yet!!!! Every morning Witchy Pooh

would make the King a cup of tea and add a drop of

poison. One morning Witchy Pooh got sick and tired

of the King not getting any sicker, so she put 5 drops

of poison in his tea. Finally she got what she wanted.

He died... Witchy Pooh took over as queen, and as an

evil step mother to the twins. Now that she was in

charge... Witchy Pooh grabbed hold of the

princesses. As they tried to escape she ripped their

dazzling silk dresses. She yanked the girls over to

their beds and ordered her loyal guards to tie the

twins down. The guard grabbed hold of Alice but she

managed to kick him in the stomach. “Get away from

me you chubby fat freak!” yelled Alice. “Hey!” The

guard replied. The guard continued to hold her down

until Witchy Pooh came along and grabbed Alice by

the throat and squeezed her so hard she fainted. Next

Witchy Pooh stormed over to Grace while the guard

was holding her down when


screamed. Witchy Pooh snapped at her, then grabbed

Grace by the throat to make her faint. A few moments

later when Witchy Pooh’s went to leave. . . Spencer,

Chicken little and Fred came charging through the

palace doors. Chicken little pecked at the guards

PANTS until they fell down. The guard was so

embarrassed he ran off. Witchy Pooh received a royal

beating from the twins. Everyone in the land ran off

lead by the Brave Royal twins. The twins started a

new village far away from the old kingdom and they

name it Candyland because of all the candy cane trees

and all the gingerbread houses made by Bill the Baker

who’s belly wobbles like joyful jelly. The royal

princesses became Queens! The town had a big

celebration to crown their Queens. A week later the

most handsome twin princes in the world come

galloping into Candyland on their white Stallions.

They were so captivated by the girls beauty, the

immediately fell in love with them. They invited Grace

and Alice for a ride around the woods with them.

Alice and Grace jumped on the back of the horses.

They went for a ride through the woods where

they got to know each other. On their way

back in to the village the prince’s gathered up all

the people in the village and the prince’s proposed

to the princesses. Alice and Grace felt extremely

blessed. All the animals including Spencer the Bunny,

Chicken Little the Chicken and Fred the Guinea Pig,

were all at their double wedding. Everyone started

singing and chanting, “Long Live The Twin Kings And


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Story writing

This week for talent development we had a workshop for garageband so we could learn how to use it for the made awards.
I think we are getting closer to being able to start filming/animating.
I think we are doing very well I will soon share my story on my blog.
I hope you will enjoy it.
Pyper and I are thinking of using Garage band but we are not too sure.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

So far in Talent Development

Today we looked at what a good story needs to include. We listened to an interview with Road Dahl on how he writes his stories and makes them interesting for kids and how to know where the line is between funny and scary.
We changed our stories round with the help of these tips and interesting words for our stories.
We have one week left to finish writing our stories.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Hi Ruby.
You had a productive session during writing talent development today. It was great to see you working co-operatively with Pyper to complete as much of your writing as possible today. You were open to the discussion of how to add more detail to your writing and worked well during the second part of the session to incorporate this into your writing. Keep up the great work Ruby.

What happened in talent development today

This week for talent development we started writing our story. It is called The Brave Royal Twins. It is about two twin princesses who's parents die and their evil stepmother tries to take over as Queen but everyone in the village runs off to start a new town.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Update for 2nd week of talent development

This week we chose who we wanted to go with to write our story I chose Pyper. We did the story board for our story and wrote up all the details for our story.
Our story is about 2 princesses who's parents die and their wicked stepmother takes over so all the people in the town run off and start a new town run by the 2 princesses and both the princesses get married and live happily ever after.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

first day of term

Today is the first day for term 3
We chose our talent development,
the one I choose was writing.
We also started a new must do can do sheet that lasts
2 weeks then we get a new sheet.
I also did drama, in drama we were doing acting as animals and owners
and we played a game where we had to try and make a person say yes
or no, if they did say yes or no they were out.
I have enjoyed today I think I got a lot out of it.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Teacher comment

Ruby during your time at Enrich this year, you have embraced the challenges that you have come up against. You are developing some great time management skills, and have worked hard to ensure that your must dos can dos are completed as much as you can. You have learnt a lot about balancing your must dos with your project, this is a hard thing to do!


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Gifted week (what it means to me to be gifted)

Well this week is gifted week so I am posting this post to let you know what I think it is like to be gifted:
I think that gifted is a way of being good at one thing, good enough to teach others.
Also I think being gifted is being able to understand things that other people can't,
but I also think everybody is gifted in their own way. At enrich they don't just accept anyone you have to be gifted at basically school things like maths.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Term 2

This Term the returning students of Enrich (I am one,)
get to start their Passion Projects and the others are doing Talent Development, I am still not to sure on what I want to do for my Passion Project.
At Enrich we have a new teacher Katie because Sarah has gone to have her baby Katie is very nice.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I made a slide show with the photos that I took in Alana's photography workshop, we were learning how to use the camera properly and find out what each button means like the flower means that you would like to take a picture of nature or a close up picture of something, or the button with the person on it means that you want to take a picture of a person, the button with the lightning strike on it means that you wan't to turn the flash on or off:

current affairs

Today I filled out a current affairs sheet here it is
The point of filling out this sheet is to find out what is happening in the world, because it can have an affect on us as well as them.

Sharing Night

On April the 7th we are having a sharing night, but this time it will be different.
We are having a picnic at Andersons park if it is a nice day and if it is raining we are having it at Waihopai school hall.
I am so excited and can't wait, we will have the opportunity to share what we have learnt at Enrich and we will have the chance to meet others that go to Enrich, our parents and sisters and brothers also get to meet the other people that go to Enrich!!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Hi, I would love to tell you about P4C.
P4C is a great way to take time to think about things.
Today we were talking about if we should be rewarded for our efforts?
After a really big debate I finally decided that it depends on the effort and what the reward meant it doesn't have to be a physical prize.
I love P4C and I would really recommend it for those who haven't tried it.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My new learning 15.3.11

Hi, today went great! I have done the P4C (philosophy for children,) we had to answer questions like would we rather have $25 million or friendship? It sounded easy at the start but once we found out what the words really meant, it was so difficult. I chose friendship because I wouldn't like it that much if I was rich because I think that you would be all stuck up.
I also did art with Darryn. We used indian ink and we drew cats(mine was running. I finally got it right after QUITE a few tries, (the way that I wanted it).
Thanks I really can't wait until next week (-;
Bye for now!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Flexible timetabling

At Enrich we have started flexible timetabling, I find it really good because I am learning how to manage my own time, instead of doing one thing all day we have a list of things we can do or we have to do today. I am going to finish off my still life painting.